Clear-Line L
Lumbar Retractor System
Clear-Line | L Complete set:
Comprehensive set with ALL Available NSI Lumbar items
Includes all blade widths and lengths
Increased screw torque capacity
Includes 7 Gelphi hook options
Clear-Line | L Mini Complete set:
Covers most Lumbar applications
Includes only the 23mm wide blades
Customizable per surgeon preference and budget
Proprietary Innovations
Quick-Rail® Retractor Frame
Innovative curved rail design
Provides anatomically correct exposure
Quick-Lock® Blade adaptor
Quick/Simple blade attachment
Innovative Radiolucent Clear-Line L Blades
Unique blade composition - transparent Intra-operative scans
Quick Release Handle
Aligns blade for fast/easy fixation time
Innovative Blade-Alignment Grove
Micro Discectomy Capability
23mm, 46mm and 60mm Wide Blades